Kids enjoy nothing more than being part of a group with their friends, and any good youth group needs games that can enhance their enjoyment.
It is important to have a variety of games for all occasions and for all times of the year so that you are well prepared. That is where we’ve got you covered.
Learn the rules and set up instructions for games ideal for outdoor settings and also indoor group games for those days when the weather turns a little nasty.Â
There are also youth group games that act as ideal icebreakers for when a group meets for the first time, helping to counteract those initial nerves members may feel.
Read on and get all the information that you need with our list of some of the best youth group games to introduce to any club.
See Also: Ultimate Games Gift Ideas Guide | Indoor Youth Group Games | Fun Scavenger Hunt Games
- 14. JENGA
- 18. KLASK
- 21. KANJAM
- 30. MOLKKY
35 Youth Group Games

Game Objective: Complete the relay successfully by completing it before the other team.
Number of Players: 16 – 30 players, even number for 2 teams.
Length of Play: 10 – 15 minutes.
What You’ll Need: 30 cups, 15 for each team, and a large table to stack them.
How to Play:
- Line up the 2 teams in 2 separate lines in front of a table that has 15 cups ready to stack.
- Start the game, the first 2 players rush over to the table and stack their 15 cups in a pyramid fashion as quickly as they can.
- When the 1st player finishes their pyramid, the 2nd player in the line then needs to put all of the cups back into a stacked pile.
- Once the 2nd player has finished, the 3rd player builds the pyramid back and this continues until all players from a team have completed their task.
- The team whose final player completes their task first wins the game.Â
Game Objective: Remember the most facts about your teammate after 5 minutes.
Number of Players: 4+, as long as there is an even number.
Length of Play: 20 – 40 minutes.
What You’ll Need: A set of table topics cards.
How to Play:
- Divide up all players into pairs, and hand each player 3 table topics cards each.
- Players have to read to their teammate the question written on the card and remember what the answer is.
- Give all players a 5-minute time limit to ask the questions.
- Once the time is up, players need to relay back to the rest of the group the answer that their teammate gave.
- If it matches the answer that the teammate says, then that player gets a point.
- Mix up the teams so that players get a chance to speak to everyone in the group
- Once everyone has spoken to all members of the group, then count up the points and declare the player with the most the winner.
Buy it: Buy Table Topics with different conversation topics from the Table Topics store.
Game Objective: Correctly guess the object, place, or person by deciphering the clues that are on the game board.
Number of Players: 2-12 players.
Length of Play: Around 40 minutes.
What You’ll Need: Concept board game set.
How to Play:
- Set up the game board and hand out all players a game reference card for them to refer to throughout the game.
- Everyone playing is one team, and they try to score as many points as possible by working together.
- Players take turns to form their concepts when it is their go, choosing either an easy, medium, or hard variety.
- That player then begins to place pieces on the pictures on the gameboard that illustrates their chosen concept.
- After a piece gets placed on the gameboard, the other players can attempt to guess what the concept is.
- Give points based on how quickly someone can guess the answer. 4 points if 1 game piece gets used, 3 points for 2, 2 points for 3, and 1 point for all 4.
- At the end of the game, note down the score that the group has achieved and put it in a table for other groups to compete against.Â
Buy it:  Buy Concept from its developers Asmodees’s store page.
Game Objective: Get to the end of the board first by gaining points by singing a song with a certain lyric in the song.
Number of Players: 4-10 players.
Length of Play: 30 – 45 minutes.
What You’ll Need: Spontuneous game set.
How to Play:
- Before the game starts, have all players write down single words from songs they know to write on a hit-list, these are trigger-words.
- Nominate one player to start the game. That player reads out one of their trigger-words for the other players to think of a song in the time limit containing the word as lyrics.
- First-person to be able to sing a song with those lyrics gets to roll the dice to advance on the gameboard.
- If no players can think of a song, the person who named the trigger-word must sing their song which inspired the word, rolling the dice if successful.
- When advancing around the board, players may land on a music note which requires a player to pick up a card and complete a challenge.
- The first player to reach the end has to complete a challenge, once they do so then they become the winner of the game.
Buy it: Spontuneous comes with the game board needed to play, including a timer.
Game Objective: Be the last player standing at the end of the game.
Number of Players: 10 – 30 players.
Length of Play: 20 – 30 minutes.
What You’ll Need: 2 soft foam balls, a large space to play.
How to Play:
- Line up all players in the middle of the gameplay area in a line and throw the 2 game balls in opposite directions. Blow a whistle to start the game.
- Scatterball is all vs all, so players grab the ball and try to hit others to eliminate them.
- Once holding the ball, a player can only take 3 steps before throwing the ball.
- A player hit with the ball is out, or a player whose throw gets caught is also out.
- If a player gets eliminated from the game, then anyone who they have eliminated can rejoin the game. This includes players caught out.
- Once there is only one person left as everyone else gets eliminated, they win the game.
Game Objective: Two teams compete to untangle themselves first.
Number of Players: 20 – 30 players.
Length of Play: 5 – 10 minutes.
What You’ll Need: A space big enough to play.
How to Play:
- Separate your group into 2 teams and have them both form a circle to begin.
- Have players stand close enough together so that they can join hands with 2 people on the other side of the circle, 1 hand each.
- Once both sides have joined hands and get mixed up, their goal is to get into a line with only 2 people breaking the chain so they form a line.
- If the chain gets broken by more than 2 people, the offending team has to re-link up again in the same way that they originally linked up.
- Once one team has managed to stand in a line all facing the same way, then they are the winners of the game.
Game Objective: Work out which player is the werewolf before the end of the game.
Number of Players: Up to 10 players.
Length of Play: 10 minutes per game.
What You’ll Need: One Night Ultimate Werewolf game set, a timer.
How to Play:
- Shuffle and hand out the role cards to players, ensuring that the villagers and werewolf cards are in play.
- Once players have their roles, they must keep them a secret. There should be 3 remaining cards for potential later use in the game.
- There are 2 phases during the game – night and day.
- During the night phase, all players shut their eyes and one by one open them to fulfill what their role requires them to do.
- During the day phase, everyone can discuss what happened to them during the night to gather information. Although players don’t have to tell the truth.
- Day phase lasts for 5 minutes, after this time all players must vote on who they think the werewolf is.
- If they guess correctly, the villagers win. If they do not, the werewolf wins.
Buy it: Â Start your own One Night Ultimate Werewolf adventure by purchasing the game set.
Game Objective: Be the last player to successfully carry out the captain’s orders.
Number of Players: 5 – 30 players.
Length of Play: 5 – 10 minutes.
What You’ll Need: A large space to play in.
How to Play:
- Before you start, nominate one kid to be the captain. If you’re playing with a younger children’s group, get yourself or another adult to be captain.
- Start by lining up all the other players in a single file line in front of the captain.
- The captain will need to come up with several different actions that everyone has to follow, or words they have to shout out.
- The captain will do the action or say the word/phrase, the last player in the line to successfully follow the captain is out.
- This continues until there is only one player left, who wins the game and becomes the captain next with their own words/actions.
Game Objective: In teams, build a contraption that fulfills a specific purpose with assorted items.
Number of Players: Even numbers for 2 teams, around 20 players.
Length of Play: 10 – 15 minutes.
What You’ll Need: A selection of random materials such as cardboard tubes, pipe cleaners, popsicle sticks, duct tape, anything you can find lying around, tape, and scissors.
How to Play:
- Divide your youth group into 2 teams and give both teams an equal number of assorted materials.
- Set both teams a task that they will have to complete, such as creating a bridge that can hold a book and they can only use the materials to complete the task.
- Give the teams a 15-minute time limit to build and test their contraptions.
- After 15 minutes, teams must stop working on their contraptions no matter the state that they are in.
- Test the contraptions, and judge which team has managed to fit the original specification the best. That team wins the game.
Game Objective: Correctly identify the person written down with the clues given to gain points.
Number of Players: 8 – 16 players.
Length of Play: 10 – 20 minutes.
What You’ll Need: Optional list of pre-written famous age-appropriate people.Â
How to Play:
- Divide the group into 2 – 4 teams and have every player write down a list of 10 famous people.
- Teams take it, in turn, to have one of their players describe the people written down on their list without naming the player by name.
- Each player gets a 2-minute time limit to give their teams hints about the people on their list, with a point given for every correct answer.
- Deduct a point every time a player giving clues says the name written on their list.
- Once all players have had a go reading from their list, count up the number of points achieved.
- The team that has accumulated the most amount of points at the end is the winning team.
Game Objective: Be the team to fill their bucket up the most at the end of the game.
Number of Players: Around 10 – 30 players.
Length of Play: 10 – 15 minutes.
What You’ll Need: Per team – empty bucket, a bucket filled with water and sponges.
How to Play:
- Divide up the players into teams of no more than 5 players each, give each team their own sponge and buckets with one filled with water.
- Have teams stand in a line, one behind the other with an empty bucket at the back and the water bucket at the back of the line.
- Start the game, players need to move water from one bucket to the other using only the sponge.
- Every player must touch the sponge while transporting at least once, so players cannot skip others in the queue.
- Give players 10 minutes to attempt to carry as much water as possible.
- After the time limit is up, measure how much water each team has managed to transport.
- The winners are the team with the most water in their bucket.
Game Objective: Find items on a list and use them to complete tasks at the end of the game.
Number of Players: 4 – 20 players.
Length of Play: 20 – 40 minutes.
What You’ll Need: Scavenger Hunt game set, plus a large outdoor or indoor space to hide the items.
How to Play:
- Divide players up into pairs and give them a list each of which displays various items for them to find.
- Once the items get found, confirm that they have the correct items and give them a challenge card.
- The challenge card will give the team a task involving the items that players collect.
- The first team who is able to complete their assigned task wins the game.
Buy it: Either come up with your own challenges and items or get inspiration with the Scavenger Hunt game.
Game Objective: Be the last player with a penny on their chin at the end of the game.
Number of Players: At least 6 players, as many as possible.
Length of Play: 5 – 10 minutes.
What You’ll Need: A penny or coin for every player.
How to Play:
- Start by giving out all players a penny to balance on their chin, once all players have confirmed that they are ready the game begins.
- Players have to knock the penny off of other players’ chins while still keeping theirs balanced.
- If a penny falls off a player’s chin, that player is out of the game.
- The last player who still has their penny still on their chin at the end of the game is the winner.
- Ensure that players are sensible with their actions. If anyone gets over excited when knocking off pennies get disqualified from further games.Â
Game Objective: Avoid being the player who knocks over the tower while pulling out a game piece.
Number of Players: Up to 20 players.
Length of Play: 10 – 30 minutes.
What You’ll Need: Jenga set.
How to Play:
- Stack all the blocks with 3 blocks on each level alternating the way that they get laid.
- Once stacked, the game starts with one played removing a block from the structure and placing it on top of the tower.
- Players must pull a block from the middle of the structure, they cannot take one from the top.
- Once a player pulls a block that causes the structure to fall, they get eliminated and the game starts again without the offending player.Â
- This continues until there is only one player who hasn’t knocked the tower over, who ultimately wins the game.
Buy it: Choose the version of Jenga that best fits your youth group, with regular Jenga or giant versions available.
Game Objective: Be in the team that scores the most baskets by the end of the game.
Number of Players: Even numbers of players, around 8 per team.
Length of Play: 30 minutes.
What You’ll Need: A chair per player, a basketball or equivalent, a basket or equivalent and a large space to play.
How to Play:
- Divide players up into 2 teams of equal skill levels, make sure each player has a chair.
- Seated basketball is in 5 minute quarters, with time for players to discuss tactics before each quarter.
- Before the 1st quarter, nominate a team to place their chairs in whatever position they would each like first.
- The second team then places their chairs in response. Once a player has placed their chair, they cannot move it until the quarter is up.
- Teams attempt to score baskets from the position that they’ve placed their chair until the quarter has finished.
- After the quarter is up, teams come together to discuss where to move their chairs
- Alternate which team sets their chairs first, do this for 3 more quarters.
- Once the 4 5-minute quarters finish, count up the baskets scored with the team scoring the most winning the game.
- If the scores are level, have a penalty shootout where players place their chair to have a free shot on goal in a sudden-death style.
Game Objective: Set up cups on several poles to start. With a frisbee, attempt to hit the cups off of the poles. Take it in turns to do this, with a point given every time a player knocks a cup off of a pole. Most points once players knock the off wins the game.
Number of Players: 8+, either play in teams or individually.
Length of Play: 10 – 20 minutes.
How to Play: Learn the Fricket rules to gain tips and tricks for gameplay.
Game Objective: In a group or a circle, throw a water balloon underarm to another player while trying to avoid bursting it when catching. If the balloon bursts, the player who gets wet is out provided the initial throw is underarm and fair. The last player to avoid getting wet is the winner of the game.
Number of Players: Unlimited provided you have enough water balloons.Â
Length of Play: 10 – 20 minutes.
How to Play: Check out our guide to the water balloon toss game.
Game Objective: Played in teams or individually. Klask requires players to land the ball in your opponent’s goal to score a goal. The first player who is able to get to 6 points wins the game.
Number of Players: 2 – 4, so your youth group can play in a tournament.
Length of Play: 5 – 10 minutes per game.
How to Play: The Klask rules are simple but make sure everyone understands before playing by reading our guide.
Game Objective: Score points by eliminating other players by serving a ball that your opponents cannot return. 4 players start in a quadrant and knock a ball between them until someone drops the ball and lets it hit the ground. The offending player is out and gets replaced by a new player. Each time a player causes a mistake they gain a point, first to 11 points wins the game.
Number of Players: 4 – Unlimited.
Length of Play: 15 – 30 minutes.
How to Play: Crossnet rules have a knockout style system so that everyone gets a go, have a look at additional rules though.
Game Objective: Get your team’s bocce ball to the Pallino closer than the other team to score points. Teams take it in turns to roll a ball to the smaller ‘jack’ to get it as close as possible. Once all players have thrown their ball, then points get given out depending on how close each team’s ball is to the jack. After 4 frames, count up the points and the team with the most points wins.
Number of Players: 8 players in 2 even-numbered teams of 4.
Length of Play: 30 – 45 minutes.
How to Play: Have a look at our guide to the Bocce Ball rules for more instructions on scoring.
Game Objective: Score points by throwing a flying disc into a kan to score points. Played in teams, players take it in turns to throw the disc, getting points depending on where the disc enters the kan. The first team to reach exactly 21 points wins the game.
Number of Players: Played in a team of 4 each.
Length of Play: 20 – 30 minutes.
How to Play: Read about the KanJam rules in our comprehensive guide.
Game Objective: 4 players start in a squared grid with the rest standing in a line. The 4 players in the grid bounce a ball into the other segments. If a player misses the ball, they are out and the next player in line replaces them. Play continues until there is just one player left in the square.
Number of Players: At least 4 players, but better with more.
Length of Play: 10 – 15 minutes.
How to Play: Learn the Four Square rules which include tips on the best ball to use for the game.
Game Objective: Agree on a total score to achieve before the game begins. Players compete by throwing a horseshoe onto a stake and gaining points depending on which stake gets hit. The player or team who gets the most points once they throw all horseshoes win the game.Â
Number of Players: 4 players played in teams of 2.
Length of Play: 15 – 30 minutes.
How to Play: There are specific Horseshoe game rules to follow including a specific scoring system. Read our guide before playing.
Game Objective: Divide players up into two even teams. Give each team a couple of toilet rolls each and have them nominate a player each to be the mummy. Play a Halloween themed song and give teams the duration of the song to wrap up their mummies. Once the song ends, judge which team has the better mummy.
Number of Players: 10 – 30 players.
Length of Play: 5 – 10 minutes.
How to Play: Have a look at the additional rules to the Mummy Wrap game.
Game Objective: Divide all players up into 2 teams. One team is ‘it’ and the other team avoids getting tagged. The game has a 5 minutes time limit. If a player gets tagged, they stand still with their legs slightly apart. If a teammate crawls through their legs, that player becomes unstuck. If all players are stuck before the time limit, the tagging team wins. If not, the team getting tagged wins.
Number of Players: 4 – Unlimited.
Length of Play: 5 minutes per game.
How to Play: Get more information on the Stuck in the Mud game by reading our comprehensive guide.
Game Objective: Score points during the game to win enough to win a set. Win enough sets and win the match. In teams of 2, players rally a ball on a court until a mistake gets made which gives the other team a point. Players alternate who hits the ball back in a quick question.
Number of Players: 4 players played in pairs.
Length of Play: 15 – 30 minutes.
How to Play: If you’re still wondering ‘what is spec tennis’, learn more with our guide to spec tennis.
Game Objective: Play until only one player is remaining in the game. All players start by sitting on a chair in a circle, and one player in the middle without a chair. Ask a question, and anyone who answers ‘Yes’ has to move chairs. The chairless player is out of the game.
Number of Players: 6 – Unlimited.
Length of Play: 10 – 20 minutes.
How to Play: See our Fruit Salad game guide for further instructions.
Game Objective: Build a contraption with household items that will protect an egg from falling from a great height. Divide up players into 3 or 4 teams and give them assorted random items. Set a 15-minute time limit to build a safety harness for an egg. After the 15 minutes is up, drop the egg to see which survives. Any team whose egg survives the fall wins.
Number of Players: 6+ players needed.
Length of Play: 20 minutes.
How to Play: Check out our Egg Drop game guide for more tips on playing.
Game Objective: Get to 21 points before the other team by scoring points. Score points by bouncing a ball on a trampoline so that your opponent misses the ball and cannot return it. Once one team gets to 21 points with 2 clear points, then they are the winners.
Number of Players: 4 players, 2 teams of 2.
Length of Play: 30 – 60 minutes.
How to Play: Read the Spikeball rules for more information on the game.
Game Objective: Score points by using a skittle to knock over other skittles. Each skittle has a number and players have 3 turns to try to knock over as many skittles as possible. After each turn, count how many skittles players knock over and add that to the player’s score. At the end of the game, the player with the highest score wins.
Number of Players: 2 – Unlimited.
Length of Play: 15 – 20 minutes.
How to Play: Check out the Molkky rules to learn how to set up the game.
Game Objective: Pitch a cornhole bag into a hole or onto the board to score points. Teams take it in turns to throw their cornhole at the board. Points get scored depending on where the cornholes are at the end of each round, with the highest-scoring team winning the game.
Number of Players: 4 players in 2 teams.
Length of Play: 30 – 60 minutes.
How to Play: Check out our guide to Cornhole rules to get the lowdown on how to play.
Game Objective: Players in teams hit a ball over the net to score points. Teams volley a ball between each other trying to force a mistake. Once a team makes a mistake, the other team gets awarded a point. The first team to reach 11 points wins the game.
Number of Players: 4 players in teams of 2.
Length of Play: 20 – 30 minutes.
How to Play: Have a look at our guide on how to play Pickleball.
Game Objective: In teams, players throw the game’s bolas around highly valued rungs to score the most points. Teams can also cancel out their opponents’ scores with some throws to limit their scores.
Number of Players: 6 players, 3 teams of 2 players each.
Length of Play: 30 – 60 minutes.
How to Play: Read our guide on the Ladder ball rules.
Game Objective: Unwrap the most presents while wearing oven mitts. The person who unwraps the most presents at the end is the winner.
Number of Players: Unlimited.
Length of Play: 20 minutes.
How to Play: Catch up on the Oven Mitt Unwrapping game rules.
Game Objective: Strike a ball around a pole by hitting it past your opponents. Once the ball reaches all the way to the top, that player or team wins.
Number of Players: 2 – 6 players.
Length of Play: 15 – 30 minutes.
How to Play: Check out the Tetherball rules to get all the knowledge on how to play.
Wrap Up – Other Kinds of Group Games
If you’ve made it this far, then you should have found the ideal game to introduce to your youth group no matter the circumstances.
Whether you have a large or small group, there are plenty of activities that you can suggest which are not only fun but will develop different skills.
If you’re looking for guides for a certain age group, then be sure to have a look at our guide to group games for preschoolers and for group games for teenagers.
If your youth group is on the smaller or larger side, then have a look at our guides to big group games and small group games for potentially further inspiration for games.
There is an almost unlimited number of games that you can introduce, so read our guides so that you can pick your favorites.