Be honest, at some point in your life, there has been a time in which someone has offered you the chance to play ‘the Twister Game’.
The game where having perfect balance is key, people play it all across America since it’s creation in 1966.
And it’s easy to see why.
Gameplay requires players to use their body parts instead of any game pieces like other more conventional games.
If reading this has made you either nostalgic or intrigued to know more, then continue reading for all rules and gameplay tips on Twister.
What is the Twister Game?
Twister is the ultimate game of balance and one of the most iconic games you’re likely to see.
Best played as a big group game with your silliest pals, the game will see you find yourself in some very peculiar positions.
Number of Players Required: 2-4 players – any more and it can get a bit too crowded.
Who Can Play It: All ages from 6 onwards.
Difficulty: Easy although this does depend on personal flexibility.
Main Objective: Be the last person standing at the end of the game. Literally.
Why we love it: ‘The Twister Game’ simply put is such a fun yet unique game. The perfect icebreaker, the game guarantees you and your friends to be rolling around laughing after just one round. Plus any age can enjoy it as gameplay is so simple.
What do I need to play the Twister Game?

To play the twister game you will need to buy yourself the game pack which comes with everything that you’ll need.
Hasbro owns the rights to the game and they also supply the official Twister game set.
If you wanted to play with more than the four that is on the standard set then larger versions are also available.
Other than that, make sure you have a large, flat area in which you can layout the game mat.
How to Set Up Your Game
Setting up your game of Twister could not be more simple.
Lay the game mat out in the space that you have decided to play in. Make sure that all participants have taken off their shoes before they step onto the mat.
Have each participant start on a different side of the mat. With that done, you are ready to play.
Twister Game – Rules and Gameplay
There aren’t too many rules for you to worry about while playing Twister so you can mainly focus on having fun.
Starting the Game
Nominate a player to be the referee before you begin. The referee can still join in although it is easier if they watch from the sideline.
The referee is in charge of the spinner which is vital for gameplay as this tells players which part of the mat to place each body part.
How to play the Twister Game
- The referee decides who starts and spins the wheel. The wheel has different segments split into body parts and also split into different colors.
- Players must follow the instruction of the spinner in order to progress. Do this by placing the required body part onto the nearest available circle of the correct color.
- If there are no open spaces then spin the spinner again. If your hand or foot is already on the required circle you must move it to a different spot.
- Players cannot move their hand or feet that are not chosen by the spinner if they already occupy a circle on the game mat.
- If at any point a player’s arm or knee touches the mat or if a player falls over than eliminate them from the game.
- Players can remove an arm or knee if it’s necessary for moving a body part to another position on the mat.
- Players must replace their hand or foot before completing their turn.
- The last person standing wins the round.
Keeping Score in the Twister Game
Although scoring isn’t usually required when playing the Twister game, you may find it an idea in order to keep the game from being over too quickly.
A popular way of keeping score is by simply counting each round a player wins as a point with the winner being the player with the most points.
You could, however, assign points to each position on the mat with more points assigned to the area deemed the hardest to place your foot and hand.
The winner is then determined by who has the most points at the end of the round.
Frequently Asked Questions
How large a space do I need in order to play the Twister Game?
It does depend on which version you choose but the standard size mat is about 6.5 feet by 5 feet.
Make sure there aren’t any valuables around before you start playing also – flailing limbs can get quite hazardous.
Can I hurt myself whilst playing Twister?
Although the game does require you to be in some interesting positions, as long as you’re careful you shouldn’t injure yourself or others.
Be careful if you’re playing with different age ranges in particular. If you’re older and heavier than other players then it may cause injury if you land on someone awkwardly.
Alternative Games to Twister
Whether you’ve played before and are playing for nostalgic reasons or this is your first attempt. We certainly hope you can see why Twister has been so popular for so long.
For games similar to Twister which doesn’t require too many rules or set-up, we recommend giving ‘The Water Balloon Toss Game’ or Chubby bunny challenge a try.
This is especially recommended if you’re playing with younger children and can be the perfect way to cool down on particularly hot days.
For games more suitable for your adult friends, consider checking out our guide on ‘Honey, I love you’.
The game requires players to put each other in awkward positions, although verbally this time. It could be perfectly paired with Twister for a more light-hearted game night.