Welcome to Group Games 101
Do you love playing group games and trivia with friends and family?
Well so do we.
That’s why we decided to create Group Games 101 – The ultimate resource for learning how to play games, trivia, and more!
- Rummikub Rules
- 50 Big Group Games to Play with Friends
- 35 Fun Dice Games to Play
- Farkle Rules and Gameplay Guide
- Phase 10 Rules and How to Play
UPDATE: We recently built and launched our very first online card game. Check it out -> Cribbage online
-> New game guides and trivia topics added every week! <-
See all of our latest game guides below.
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Card Games
Browse AllIf you’re looking for a new card game to play that isn’t Snap, we’ve got you covered with guides to games such as Tripoley, the Palace card game, and Unstable Unicorns and much more.
Group Games
Browse AllFor games designed to play with others, take a look at our lists, including camp games for small groups, group games for teenagers, and group games for preschoolers. Otherwise, check out all of these game ideas.
Bar Games
Browse AllGames to be played at your favorite bars or at home. Learn the classics such as baseball dart rules and shuffleboard rules. Check out some of the best pool games as well.
Board Games
Browse AllFeeling nostalgic for some retro board games? Read our guides to classic board games like Operation and Trivial Pursuit, or discover lesser-known board games such as Cranium Cadoo.
Kids Games
Browse AllKeep the kids entertained with game ideas that will keep them amused for hours. Games like Pop the Pig, the Four Square game and Stuck in the Mud will fit in with any occasion.
Browse AllWhether you’re hosting a quiz or want to test your knowledge with friends, read our trivia questions and answers on topics such as food trivia, 80’s trivia, road trip trivia, and even topics such as dog trivia.
Gear Guides
Browse AllLooking for specific game equipment? If so, be sure to check out our reviews of gear such as pickleball paddles for beginners, the best pool tables, and the best break cues you can buy.