Logo Board Game: Rules and Winning Strategies

If you need a break from heavy trivia games like Trivial Pursuit (read our Trivial Pursuit rules guide), the Logo board game will be a nice change of pace, with a dash of astonishing fun facts thrown in. 

There is absolutely nothing complicated about the Logo board game rules – answer the tricky questions and move your pawn around the board to reach the winning zone.

At a glance, it may seem a little bland, but a live game of Logo can get super competitive.

Unlike the Battle of Sexes or Sports Trivia Challenge, the Logo questions are more precise, deliberately focusing on a specific genre or category. 

This handy guide should help you better understand how the Logo board game rules work for teams and individual players, including how to crack a winning obstacle.

What is The Logo Board Game?

Logo Board Game Info image

The Logo is a trivia-based board game that will put a question mark over your consumer knowledge.

We come across hundreds of products in our everyday lives. But how many of us ever pay close attention to the logo on a cereal box?

Play one round of Logo to check your command over pop culture trivia. The Question Cards cover a wide array of brands – from nostalgic to modern, brand logos, slogans, dates and origins, TV commercials and whatnot.

Number of Players: 2-6

Ages: 12+

Length: 40 – 60 minutes

Difficulty: Easy

Similar to:Trivial Pursuit, Pop Culture Trivia, Adverteasing, Name 5

Main Objective: Move your pawn through the spiral track while answering trivia questions, reach the winning zone and crack the final obstacle to win Logo. 

Why We Love It: This fun trivia game will instantly lighten the mood of a family game night. You don’t have to implement your bookish knowledge to answer these simple pop-culture questions. 

What Do You Need To Play Logo

Grab a complete game kit of the Logo by your favorite brand, and you are good to go. A typical Logo Board Game set contains the following items:

  • 400 game cards
  • 6 mover pieces
  • 1 game board
  • 1 Logo board game rules and instruction sheet
Logo Board Game
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12/28/2024 07:52 am GMT

Recently, Drumond Park has launched the 2nd edition of The Logo board game featuring a whole new set of 1500 questions and a fold-out game board.

Logo Board Game 2nd Edition

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11/20/2023 09:37 am GMT

You can also check out this latest edition by PlayMonster which comes with updated Question Cards and funky 3d pawns.

The Logo Game - New Edition with All New Questions!
$24.99 $22.49
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12/24/2024 09:52 pm GMT

Game Setup

Unfold the game board and lay it out on a table or flat surface. 

Unwrap the question cards, shuffle them and put them back in the tray. 

Every player would choose their colored pawns and place them on the starting position.

Identifying The Question Cards 

The front side of each card has four questions printed on colored boxes – purple, green, yellow, and red (in this exact order). 

There are three different types of question cards:

  • Picture Cards – With a picture at the back of the card which is related to the questions. 
  • Potluck Cards – With general knowledge Logo questions. 
  • Common Theme Cards – With common themes for all the answers. 

The Game Board

The Logo board has a spiral track, from the starting position near the edge to the winning zone at the center of the board.

The track is divided into multiple colored spaces corresponding to the colors of the question cards. The first four spaces follow the exact order, and in the rest of the track, colors are spread randomly. 

Logo Board Game Rules and Gameplay

There are two separate sets of Logo board game rules, for teams and individual players. 

Team Rules 

The team with the youngest member gets to play first. 

The non-playing team would choose a member to play the role of the Question Master throughout the game. 


The Question Master draws the first card from the curved end of the tray and shoots the first question (marked purple) to the playing team. 

They have to carefully hide the answers from both teams while showing the back of a Picture Card or Theme Card to the playing team. 

If the question is answered correctly by the playing team, they can move their pawn to the first purple space on the track. 

The Question Master then asks the next three questions subsequently. With each right answer, the playing team moves their pawn forward to the next space corresponding to the color of the question. 

If the playing team is able to answer all four questions of the card correctly, their turn ends there. 

Rules For An Incorrect Answer

The playing team’s turn may end earlier if they give one wrong answer. That same question goes to the opponent team. 

If the opponent gets it right, they will win a bonus move. But if they also fail to answer, the Question Master reads the answer loud to everyone. 

Now, the Question Master asks the next question on the card to the playing team again, and the play goes on like this until all the questions of that card are covered. 

Finally, when the turn ends, teams swap roles. 

Entering The Winning Zone 

When a team gives a right answer, but there is no color-coordinated space left for that question, the team enters the winning zone. 

Winning The Game

It’s compulsory for a team in the winning zone to answer either two consecutive questions or one Red question to win the game. 

If both teams reach the winning zone simultaneously, the game continues as described before until one team fulfils the criteria of winning the game.

Logo Rules For Individual Players

The oldest player takes up the role of Question Master for the first round, and it rotates clockwise. 


The Question Master asks the first purple question to the player sitting on their left. 

Just like Logo board game rules for teams, if an individual player answers all the questions of that card at one go, they can move their pawn up to the red space on the track, and their turn ends immediately.

Answering Incorrectly 

Alternatively, a wrong answer terminates that player’s turn and the question then shifts to other players in clockwise order. 

If the next player answers this question correctly, they get a chance to play the rest of the questions of that card until one goes wrong. 

If all the players get stuck at a single question, the Question Master reads that answer out loud and moves on to the next question starting with the original player again.

If the final red question is unattended by everyone, the round ends there. The Question Master discloses the answer and discards that Question Card to the back of the tray.

Entering The Winning Zone 

When a player has no color corresponding space left to move their pawn near the winning zone, they can directly enter the zone.

Winning The Game

Finally, to win the game, a player must answer either any two consecutive questions or the last red question on that card. 

How to Play The Logo Board Game – Video Tutorial 

Frequently Asked Questions About Logo

What genres do the Logo board game Question Cards cover?

The questions cover diverse categories that include various old as well as new brands, their logos, packaging, flavors, characters or even advertising. 

What is a Common Theme Card in the Logo board game?

The Common Theme Cards have four questions related to the same theme mentioned at the back of the card, such as Fashion, Snacks, or Toys and Games.

Will kids enjoy the Logo board game as much?

Elementary kids may find it difficult to cope with the questions as many brands and commercials are beyond their experience. However, if teams are made uniformly with younger and older players, Logo can be fun for everybody.

Alternative Games You Might Like 

If you don’t find the Logo board game challenging enough or are looking for something more comprehensive, Trivial Pursuit has to be your ideal choice. This classic trivia game requires vast knowledge on a wide range of topics.

Pop Culture Trivia and Adverteasing are two other popular trivia games to give your pop culture and advertising knowledge a spin. 

We do have one more suggestion for you. Although, technically not a trivia game, Name 5 and Blokus is a perfect fit if you enjoy quick wit board games.

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