35 Fun Dice Games to Play With Family and Friends

Dice games are often overlooked when you think of board games, but we think that they can be some of the most compelling, challenging, and enthralling types of games to play. 

They range from simple games using a couple of dice to immersive, grand strategy games that can take hours to finish. 

There’s also a game for everyone – are you a math wizard? We have the ideal game for you to play. Or are you looking to refine your English skills? Then we have a selection of games to pick from that will help with that as well. 

Keep reading to take a look at 35 of our top dice game picks to see if you can find the perfect dice game for you to play with any number of players. 

35 Fun Dice Games to Play With Family and Friends

Dice Games for Groups

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Our Pick
Boggle Game Classic set
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Players: 2+ players. 

Ages: Ages 4+. 

Length of Play: Approx 30 minutes. 

Objective: Create as many different words as possible from a set of assorted letters. 

Boggle in a nutshell:

Boggle begins by placing the letter dice into the plastic tub, giving them a good shake, and pouring them out. Whichever letters are facing up are the letters players use for the round, set the timer, and have players write down as many words as they can. 

Points get awarded based on the quality of the words players find; most points at the end win. 

SEE ALSO: Boggle rules guide




Our Pick
TENZI Party Pack Dice Game 6 Sets of 10 Colored Dice with Storage Case
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01/14/2025 06:52 pm GMT

Players: 2+ players. 

Ages: Ages 6+. 

Length of Play: 10 minutes. 

Objective: Become the first player to match the number on all of the dice. 

Tenzi in a nutshell:

A quick, easy game to play, players start Tenzi by giving each player 10 dice of a particular color. The goal is for all 10 dice to display the same number in as few moves as possible. 

Agree upon which numbers players are trying to roll. When the dice is on the intended number, leave that dice and reroll the rest. Quickest to get all 10 to the same number wins. 

SEE ALSO: Tenzi Dice Game rules




Our Pick
LCR® Left Center Right Dice Game
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12/28/2024 07:52 am GMT

Players: 3 – 6 players. 

Ages: 5+ years. 

Length of Play: 15 – 30 minutes per round. 

Objective: Be the player who collects all chips to win. 

LCR in a nutshell:

LCR is the group dice game that is pretty much entirely luck-dependent. Players roll the dice which tells them which of the 3 chips they keep and to who they may need to give their chips. Players get eliminated when they lose all 3 of their chips, it’s the last person standing rule so whoever is the last player to have chips wins the game. 

SEE ALSO: LCR Game rules.



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$10.99 $9.15
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12/14/2024 11:07 pm GMT

Players: 2-6 players. 

Ages: Ages 6+. 

Length of Play: 30 – 60 minutes. 

Objective: Earn 10,000 points across multiple rounds to win. 

Farkle in a nutshell:

Farkle requires players to roll dice to earn different combinations, with each combination rolled earning points which get accumulated throughout the game. 6 dice get used, and players shake these in a dice cup, roll them out and work out what they’ve scored. 

The game ends as soon as 1 player amasses 10,000+ points.

SEE ALSO: Farkle rules




Our Pick
Bunco: A Very Social Game 12-Player Party Dice Game Includes Dice, Scorecards, Pencils, Bell, & Squishy Traveling Jewel
$20.99 $15.30
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01/17/2025 08:52 am GMT

Players: 2+ (works best with 3 teams of 4, however).

Ages: Ages 4+. 

Length of Play: 60+ minutes. 

Objective: Be the player or team that scores the most number of Buncos.

Bunco in a nutshell:

To play Bunco first familiarise yourself with the assorted scoring that is attached to each dice roll in Bunco. Players take turns rolling dice attempting to score Buncos, their turn is over when their roll fails to score any points. Whichever team or player scores the most points wins the round, and the most round wins at the end of the game wins. 

SEE ALSO: Bunco rules



Our Pick
Educational Insights Even Steven s Odd, Dice-Rolling, Adding and Subtracting Challenge Game
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Players: 2 – 4 players. 

Ages: Ages 8+. 

Length of Play: 10 – 20 minutes. 

Objective: Win 6 math challenges involving dice.

Even Steven’s Odd in a nutshell:

In Even Steven’s Odd, players take turns picking a card and rolling dice so they know which math challenge they need to complete. As soon as a player manages to complete 6 math challenges, they get the chance to challenge Steven to win. Win the final challenge and beat Steven to win this game.


Our Pick
Jinx Classic Party and Dice Family Board Game for Kids and Adults
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Players: 2-6 players.

Ages: Ages 10+. 

Length of Play: 30 – 45 minutes. 

Objective: Simply line up 3 game pieces in a row to win. 

Jinx in a nutshell:

Jinx is a dice game that sounds easy in practice, but as it’s dependent on luck, it becomes much harder than it looks. Roll the 2 dice to determine where on the board you put your game piece and knock others players off of the gameboard to help you win. If you land on your own game piece, you have to remove all of yours from the board. 


Our Pick
Bluffaneer Dice Game
$9.99 $6.99
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01/17/2025 10:52 am GMT

Players: 3-6 players. 

Ages: Ages 10+. 

Length of Play: Approx.15 minutes

Objective: Have the most treasure at the end of the game, 

Bluffaneer in a nutshell:

In Bluffaneer players will attempt to steal each other’s treasure whilst keeping a watchful eye on their own. Player roll dice to decide what their action is. If the dice roll has the same icon, they can get a player to give over one of their gold coins. 

However, they don’t need to be honest, and this is undone by the other playing shouting ‘’Bluffaneer’’ if they suspect lying. If a player is caught lying then, they must hand over the player who called them out 2 coins. The winner is the player with the most gold coins at the end. 

Easy Dice Games for All to Play 

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12/26/2024 09:37 pm GMT

Players: 2+ players. 

Ages: Ages 8+. 

Length of Play: 20+ minutes. 

Objective: Obtain the highest score by rolling combinations that fit multiple categories. 

Yahtzee in a nutshell:

Start Yahtzee by making sure everyone is aware of the different scores each combination rolled achieves. Players take turns to roll 5 dice, noting down the different combos scored on their roll. Everyone gets 13 turns each, whoever has the highest combined score after 13 rolls wins. 

SEE ALSO: Yahtzee rules



Our Pick
Ludo Game Set
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01/16/2025 03:07 pm GMT

Players: 2-4 players. 

Ages: Ages 6+. 

Length of Play: 45 – 120 minutes. 

Objective: Guide all 4 pawns around the board and home first. 

Ludo in a nutshell:

Begin Ludo by assigning players which color pawns they’ll be playing for the game. Players take turns rolling the dice and moving their pawns around the board equal to the dice roll. Each player has 4 pawns each and must guide all 4 around the game board first to win. 

SEE ALSO: Ludo Game rules




Players: 2+ players. 

Ages: Ages 5+.

Length of Play: 5 minutes per round. 

Objective: Win the most rounds by rolling the lowest combination with 5 dice. 

Threes in a nutshell:

Three’s can be played with any number of players as all you’ll need is 5 dice. Players take turns rolling the 5 dice, any dice that they roll that is a 3 adds 0 to their score. 

The remaining dice get added together to give a score for the round. The lowest score for the round gains a point, and the most points at the end win the game. 

SEE ALSO: 3 Dice game.


Our Pick
Liar s Dice Game Set Classic Family Bluffing Game
$32.99 $29.99
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01/17/2025 08:52 am GMT

Players: 2-6 players. 

Ages: 13+ years. 

Length of Play: 30+ minutes. 

Objective: Bluff and move closer to the treasure to be the player who claims the treasure.

Liars Dice in a nutshell:

Either work with or against fellow players in Liars Dice to be the player who earns the treasure. Each player gets 5 dice each, and everyone rolls them all at once without anyone else seeing what they’ve rolled. The player with the highest dice roll can move closer to the treasure but lose a life if they’re lying. Whoever claims the treasure first wins the game. 

SEE ALSO: Liars Dice rules


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01/16/2025 11:07 am GMT

Players: 1-4 players. 

Ages: Ages 8+. 

Length of Play: 10-20 minutes. 

Objective: Win the most chips throughout the game. 

Yamslam in a nutshell:

Yamslam requires players to roll dice to earn chips, but there are only certain dice that earn certain chips and a limited number of chips, so players need to plan ahead to win this game. Earn dice and roll different combinations to also earn chips. The game ends as soon as the last chip has been claimed, the winner being the player with the most chips at the end. 


Our Pick
Bowling Dice Game
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Players: 1+ players. 

Ages: Ages 8+. 

Length of Play: 5-10 minutes

Objective: Have the highest score after 10 frames. 

Bowling Dice Game in a nutshell:

Make yourself aware of how scoring in Bowling works before you begin, the Bowling Dice Game is played the same way except you roll dice to decide how many pins you knock down. 

Roll 1 dice, and it’ll tell you if you have a strike or not. Roll the second dice if you don’t get a strike to see how your second throw fairs. After 10 frames, the highest score wins. 


Our Pick
Doozy Dice Addictive Dice Game of Strategy and Chance
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01/16/2025 10:22 am GMT

Players: 2-4 players. 

Ages: Ages 8+. 

Length of Play: Approx. 15 minutes. 

Objective: Successfully create 5 combinations of dice rolls in the fewest rolls possible. 

Doozy Dice in a nutshell:

Doozy Dice requires players to draw 5 cards that have different combinations of dice rolls displayed on them. Players need to roll their 5 dice to match each card, watching out for the Doozy Dice symbol which makes the game harder for all players. The winner is the player who can roll the 5 dice rolls on the cards. 


Our Pick
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Players: 2 – 6 players. 

Ages: Ages 8+.

Length of Play: 15 – 30 minutes. 

Objective: Be the first player to get rid of all their ring cards.

PoPalotsy in a nutshell:

Players need to match the color and/or the number of their ring cards to the dice in a bid to get rid of their cards first in PoPalotsy. Players can either match the color or the number but should aim to match both to increase their chances of winning. 

Dice Games for Kids 

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Our Pick
Fill or Bust Great Card and Dice Game
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Players: 2+ players. 

Ages: Ages 9+. 

Length of Play: 30+ minutes. 

Objective: Be the player with the most points when the timer ends at the end of the game. 

Fill Or Bust in a nutshell:

Fill or Bust is the game where the winner will be the first player to a pre-set points target agreed upon before the game begins. In a mix between a card game and a dice game, players draw a card and roll 6 dice, adding together the score to add to their overall total. 

Players can then either gamble or stick if they risk they need to roll additional dice, but if the player busts with these dice they lose their current rolled score. 

SEE ALSO: Fill or Bust rules


Our Pick
Ship Captain Crew Dice Game
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01/03/2025 03:07 pm GMT

Players: 2+ players. 

Ages: Ages 8+. 

Length of Play: 15 – 20 minutes. 

Objective: Be the first player to earn 50 points by rolling the dice.

Ship Captain Crew in a nutshell:

As you might expect, to win at Ship Captain Crew players need to roll the dice to move around the board and grab themselves a ship, a captain, and a crew. Once players have these 3, they then roll the dice to attempt to earn 50 points. The player who achieves all of this first wins the game. 

SEE ALSO: Ship Captain Crew rules



Our Pick
Calliope Games Roll For It! – Red Edition
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12/25/2024 04:37 pm GMT

Players: 2-4 players. 

Ages: Ages 8+. 

Length of Play: 30+ minutes. 

Objective: Match cards to score points; the first player to 40 points wins. 

Roll For It in a nutshell:

Roll For It is a card-matching dice game that requires players to draw a card and then attempt to roll the dice that matches the dice roll on the card. Each successful roll that matches the card earns players points, and the first player who manages to get 40 points wins the game. 


Players: 2+ players. 

Ages: 5+ years. 

Length of Play: 5-10 minutes. 

Objective: Roll the dice to create the highest number possible. 

Beat That in a nutshell:

A quick and easy game requiring at least 2 dice, all players will need to do is roll all the dice and combine the numbers rolled together to create a score. So if 2 dice were used and 2 6’s were rolled, the player’s score would be 66. Then other player/s then need to roll to beat the score. The highest score wins the round and wins the point. The most points at the end win. 


Our Pick
University Games Pizza Party Dice Fast & Frantic Dice Game for Kids ,2 player
$13.17 $6.96
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01/16/2025 10:22 am GMT

Players: 2 players. 

Ages: Ages 6+. 

Length of Play: 15+ minutes. 

Objective: The first player to successfully create a complete pizza pie wins.

Pizza Party in a nutshell:

Pizza Party is a 2-player game where players compete to quickly roll the correct toppings to make their pie first. Players draw a card each which tells them which pizza they need to create, and then take it in turns to roll the toppings dice to add the needed toppings. Whoever creates the pie on their card first wins the game. 


Our Pick
Boggle Junior, Preschool Game Ages 3 and up
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01/15/2025 06:22 pm GMT

Players: 2+ players. 

Ages: Ages 3+. 

Length of Play: 15+ minutes. 

Objective: Create as many words as possible with the letters provided within the time limit. 

Boggle Junior in a nutshell:

The little brother of Boggle, Boggle Junior follows the same gameplay with the difference being the words that players are required to find use fewer letters making it easier. Whoever can come up with the most words with the letters provided wins the game.


Our Pick
Learning Resources Head Full Of Numbers, Math Games for Kindergarten, Basic Math Skills, 13 Piece Set, Ages 7+
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01/15/2025 11:52 am GMT

Players: 1-10 players. 

Ages: Ages 5 – 10. 

Length of Play: 20 minutes per game. 

Objective: Achieve the most correct sums at the end of the game. 

Head Full Of Numbers in a nutshell:

Similar to Boggle but with numbers as opposed to letters, Head Full of Numbers starts with 3 dice getting rolled. Players need to either add, subtract, multiply or divide these numbers to create as many sums as possible, they also need to work out the correct answer to their sums too. Whoever has the most correct sums at the end of the game wins. 

Dice Games for Adults 

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Our Pick
Dice Forge Board Game | Strategy Game | Dice Crafting Game | Fun Family Game for Adults and Kids | Ages 10+ | 2-4 Players | Average Playtime 45 Minutes
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01/18/2025 11:37 am GMT

Players: 2-4 players. 

Ages: Ages 10+. 

Length of Play: 45+ minutes.

Objective: Achieve the most Glory Points before the end of the game. 

Dice Forge in a nutshell:

A resource management dice game, the selling point of Dice Forge is that the faces of the dice changes throughout the game depending on what players choose. Players take turns to draw cards and roll dice which decides what resources they gather and what moves they make. 

As the goal is to earn Glory Points, the game continues until players have had 5 turns each. Whoever has earnt the most points wins the game. 

SEE ALSO: Dice Forge rules




Our Pick
Greed Dice Game
$12.99 $9.99
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12/25/2024 06:52 pm GMT

Players: 2+ players. 

Ages: Ages 7+. 

Length of Play: 30+ minutes. 

Objective: Roll combinations and accumulate 5000 points to end the game and win. 

Greed in a nutshell:

Greed is a game where players roll dice to accumulate points, but after every roll, they must decide whether to end their turn and bank their points or risk losing them all by continuing. Depending on what gets rolled awards players points, but players lose all their unbanked points if they roll a pointless score. The first to 5000+ points wins. 

SEE ALSO: Greed Dice Game rules



Our Pick
Dice City
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Players: 1-4 players. 

Ages: Ages 14+. 

Length of Play: 45+ minutes. 

Objective: Be the player with the most Victory Points (VP) at the end of the game. 

Dice City in a nutshell:

Either work with or against the other Dice City players to create the most prosperous city. Make decisions on trade, military, and housing which affect the game whilst also earning Victory Points. Once one of the conditions to end the game has been met, players count up their VPs, and the winner is the player with the most. 


Our Pick
Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set
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01/15/2025 11:52 am GMT

Players: 4-6 players. 

Ages: Ages 13+. 

Length of Play: 120+ minutes. 

Objective: Play through the game and fulfill the final objective to win. 

Dungeons & Dragons in a nutshell:

Dungeons & Dragons is the granddaddy of dice games and players roleplay as fantasy characters in an attempt to make it through different challenges to the end of the game. 1 player is the dungeon master who directs the game while the remaining players decide which actions to take that get them through the challenges. 


Our Pick
Roll Through The Ages: The Bronze Age – The Bronze Age
$39.99 $32.95
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12/22/2024 01:07 am GMT

Players: 1-4 players.

Ages: Ages 8+. 

Length of Play: 30-45 minutes. 

Objective: Earn points by building different monuments throughout the game. 

Roll Through The Ages in a nutshell:

Players need to roll dice to make different combinations and earn them the right to build different commodities and make wise investments in Roll Through The Ages. Building monuments is how players earn points. Once all of the monuments have been built the player with the most points wins.


Our Pick
Ravensburger Dungeons, Dice & Danger
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01/14/2025 10:37 pm GMT

Players: 1 – 4 players. 

Ages: Ages 12+. 

Length of Play: 30-45 minutes. 

Objective: Get to the end of the dungeon to claim the treasure. 

Dungeons, Dice, and Danger in a nutshell:

Like a beginner’s version of Dungeons and Dragons, Dungeons, Dice, and Danger follow similar gameplay although not as in-depth which means games are quicker. Your party and you need to navigate through 4 different realms intact to have a shot at winning. Roll well to make it through alive and have a shot at claiming the treasure at the end. 

Dice Games for Couples 

Dice Games for Couples Image


Our Pick
Qwixx – A Fast Family Dice Game
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12/11/2024 11:22 am GMT

Players: 2 – 5 players. 

Ages: Ages 8+. 

Length of Play: 10 – 15 minutes. 

Objective: Avoid getting penalized and tally the most points on your game board by the end of the game.

Qwixx in a nutshell:

The key to Qwixx is making the right decision after each roll. Players cross off numbers on their game board after each roll but can decide when they cross off numbers that get rolled. The game continues until either 1 player gets given 4 penalties or 2 dice have been locked out depending on the roll. Tally scores, and the player with the most wins the game.

SEE ALSO: How to play Qwixx




Our Pick
Bamboozled – A Hilariously Fun Bluffing Dice & Card Game
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01/08/2025 09:07 am GMT

Players: 2 players. 

Ages: Ages 8+. 

Length of Play: 15+ minutes. 

Objective: Bluff your way into being the last person still in at the end of the game. 

Bamboozled in a nutshell:

In this game, players roll a dice to match or better the previous player’s score, and if they fail to beat it, then they can bluff to pretend that they had. Players get given 3 lives each in Bamboozled and lose 1 every time a player gets caught out bluffing or fails to beat the roll. Once all 3 lives are lost, the player is out of the game. 


Our Pick
SEQUENCE Dice by Jax An Exciting Game of Strategy , Other
$11.99 $8.99
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12/23/2024 08:52 pm GMT

Players: 2-4 players. 

Ages: Ages 7+. 

Length of Play: 15 – 30 minutes. 

Objective: Become the first player to have 5 chips in a row. 

Sequence Dice in a nutshell:

An easy yet competitive game, Sequence Dice requires players to roll the special dice that give the number where the player needs to put their chip on the board. If another player already has a chip on the number rolled, the player must put their chip on top. Once a player manages to get 5 chips in a row, they win the game. 

SEE ALSO: Sequence rules.


Our Pick
Catan Dice Game
$14.99 $12.97
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01/14/2025 06:52 pm GMT

Players: 2 players. 

Ages: Ages 7+. 

Length of Play: 15 – 30 minutes. 


Catan Dice Game in a nutshell:

If you ever wanted to take Catan out and about, the Catan board game rules are mostly replicated but made simpler and turned into the Catan dice game. Manage resources, build infrastructure, and maintain an army to protect your territories. Making the most prosperous society gains points; the most points at the end of the game wins. 

SEE ALSO: Games like Settlers of Catan


Our Pick
Sagrada – Board Game by Floodgate Games
$44.95 $36.22
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01/24/2025 06:52 pm GMT

Players: 2 players. 

Ages: Ages 10+. 

Length of Play: 20 – 40 minutes. 

Objective: Create a stained glass window by rolling dice, earning points throughout.

Sagrada in a nutshell:

Players must create a colorful stained glass window in Sagrada by rolling the dice, so they know what color to add to the window. Depending on what gets rolled, different combinations achieve different points totals, and certain rolls also allowed players to break set rules. The player with the window which is the highest scoring window wins the game. 

SEE ALSO: Sagrada rules


Our Pick
D-Day Dice
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Players: 2 players. 

Ages: Ages 14+. 

Length of Play: 45+ minutes. 

Objective: Successfully advance to the end of the beach by managing resources. 

D-Day Dice in a nutshell:

A cooperative resource management dice game, D-Day Dice requires players to strategize a route from the sea to the other side of the beach whilst avoiding German artillery. The dice rolls represent how successful each decision is, and players will need to plan around bad rolls. If the team can get to the German bunker, they win the game and the battle. 

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